Course Curriculum

    1. Welcome & Class Prep

    2. Thinkific Platform Tips & Troubleshooting

    3. Instructions for Entering the Weekly Zoom Breakout

    4. Class Roster & Mentor Information

    5. Zoom Link for Weekly Class

    1. Handout: Welcome to the Immanuel Encounter Guide Training by Margaret Webb

    2. Video: Welcome from Margaret Webb -8 min

    3. Handout: Introduction to the Immanuel Encounter Guide Training

    4. Handout: What is the Immanuel Encounter

    5. Handout: Why Do We Start With Connection?

    6. Video: Introduction to The Immanuel Encounter - 13 min

    7. Video: Why We Practice & Agreements -8min

    8. Handout: Definitions

    9. Handout: Guiding a Connection Experience

    10. Handout: Guiding a Connection Experience - Simple Script

    11. Handout: Guided Connection Debrief

    12. Video : Guided Connection Demonstration -10min

    13. Resource: The Importance of Confidentiality

    14. Resource: Hold Harmless Agreement

    15. Week 1 Class Schedule -updated July '24

    16. Week 1 In Class Teaching

    1. Handout: The Immanuel Encounter Process Brief Outline

    2. Video: The Immanuel Encounter Process - 18 min

    3. Handout: The Immanuel Encounter Process Overview by Margaret Webb

    4. Video: Overview of the Immanuel Encounter Process by Margaret Webb

    5. Resource: Introduction for New Recipients

    6. Resource: Sample Opening Prayer

    7. Resource: Scriptural Support for the Immanuel Encounter

    8. Resource: Immanuel Resources

    9. Week 2 Class Schedule -Updated July '24

    10. Optional: Q&A from Weeks 1 & 2

    11. Week 2 In Class Teaching

    1. Handout: Observing Immanuel Encounter Demonstrations

    2. Video: An Immanuel Encounter Demonstration - 36:48 min

    3. Handout: Immanuel Encounter Demo Review by Margaret Webb

    4. Video: Review of the Immanuel Encounter Demo by Margaret Webb -20min

    5. Wk3 Class Schedule

    6. Week 3 In Class Teaching

    1. Handout: The Joy Ring

    2. Handout: Securely Attached Relationship

    3. Handout: What The Encounter Is and Isn't

    4. Video: Joy and Capacity; What The Encounter Is and Isn't - 17 min

    5. Handout: Handling Pain in Immanuel Encounter Sessions Video Guide

    6. Video: Handling Pain in Immanuel Encounter Sessions

    7. Handout: The Big Six Teaching by Margaret Webb

    8. Video: The Big Six by Margaret Webb - 26min

    9. Wk4 Class Schedule

    10. Week 4 In Class Teaching

    1. Handout: The Immanuel Encounter Guide Debrief Guidelines -Updated July 2024

    2. Video: Debrief of the Immanuel Encounter Demonstration - 19 min

    3. Handout: Debriefing a Session Teaching by Margaret Webb

    4. Video: Why We Debrief & The Immanuel Encounter Process in Real Life Teaching by Margaret Webb

    5. Resource: Additional Debriefing Tool

    6. Resource: Real Life Immanuel Encounter Session Debrief

    7. Wk5 Class Schedule - Updated July 2024

    8. Optional: Q&A from Week 5

    9. Week 5 In Class Teaching

About this course

  • $300.00
  • 108 lessons
  • 11.5 hours of video content

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